Often persons with addictions have psychological and cognitive factors driving and/or interacting with their addictions. The Psychological Testing Program provides the individual roadmap to aid recovery treatment. Would you begin a recovery program without a compass or plan? Would you want to pay for an expensive treatment program and not have guidance to determine the best course of treatment? Incorporating a Psychological Treatment program provides essential information into treatment planning at the onset of treatment, midway through, and in the transitioning process. Results are shared not only with the patient, but also the staff serving the treatment center. Psychological Testing is backed with clinical interviews by psychologists to best serve the patient.
The brain of an addict must first be free of the drugs and alcohol to begin to heal. Drugs and alcohol impair cognitive/emotional development and processes; and it can take months or even years to recover. While the brain begins to initiate its recovery on its own; providing support through nutrition, exercises, and sonic stimulation purposefully directs the brain in recovery. Effective brain recovery is based on introducing new programs, such as sonic rhythms for brain development at the right time. A critical step in brain recovery is when and how to activate the pleasure centers which have been left numb with addiction. Developing fundamental cognitive self-statements aid in laying down constructive brain pathways for lasting recovery.
In order to transition into a healthy life a person with addiction needs to identify their strengths and develop tools to cope with life. As everyone in the field will likely attest to, the developmental delay for an addict can be major issues, with most starting their adult lives with the maturity of a junior high seventh-grader. Their social skills are retarded at best because these are the grades addiction starts and leaves the brain behind. These are part of the developmental sets of skills we help build into people’s lives as they start “over again” with real hopes of finding the compasses of their joy and spiritualities.
Anxiety, poor concentration, and fear of cravings are examples of predictable states in the recovery process. Addressing these along with active participation in a 12-Step program serves the person better in their recovery process. Not addressing personal issues with tools for success leaves the person with addictions at great risk for relapse. The PNP individualizes skills training for the patient with addition and introduces tools to help brain development and addiction management.
Additionally, a person with addictions can participate in the PNP Center 2-Day program. We have had patients complete the 2-Day assessment before, during, and following treatment at a recovery center. When reasons for becoming addicted to substances includes a desire or need to change brain activity likely there are brainwave patterns interfering with effective daily functioning. For instance, when a patient has been diagnosed with ADD/ADHD and given stimulant medication to address the attentional challenges it can lead to abusing this and related medications / drugs. Without the medication the person feels an inability to concentration or focus. The dilemma becomes do drugs to focus or not do drugs and have difficulty in school or work. Another example would be related to anxiety or bipolar type of behavior. Prescription drugs, alcohol, or marijuana may be used to self-medicate – the abuse cycle begins. The PNP Center comprehensive assessment provides a plan to achieve one’s needs and goals without the harmful effects of medications / drugs / alcohol.