Address:  823 Ira E. Woods Ave., Suite 300, Grapevine, TX 76051 | Email:
The Lawlis Peavey PNP Center

The PNP Center Offers Integrative Assessment and Individualized Treatment Plans to Optimize Brain Function, Behavior, and Abilities.

The primary reason the PNP Center exists is to provide answers for parents and patients who have concerns which require good, objective and trustworthy treatments presented in an understandable manner with real hope of change. Our philosophy is based on the premise that once one understands limitations or challenges and once strengths have been identified, the brain and body have the capabilities to learn and compensate to be stronger, better functioning. We have good reason to be optimistic because we have seen good things happen in even the most distressed of circumstances. We want to find answers to problem behaviors, but most of all, we want to help people discover and utilize the tremendous talent and abilities they have for an abundant life.
ADHD, PTSD, Addictions, Anxiety, Autism Spectrum, Depression and Treatment Resistant Mood Disorders, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Memory & Attention Disorders as well as other neurological challenges are best treated with a comprehensive multi-dimensional "brain-based" assessment. Understanding how the brain functioning is influencing behavior and cognition is essential to the PNP Center 2-day assessment.

The experiences of many individuals have demonstrated to the  PNP Center that complex brain related disorders involve interaction of several levels or layers of functioning (eg: neurological, psychological, cognitive / intellectual, psychophysiological, stress, metabolic / nutritional / toxicity). Successful treatment depends, first, on comprehensive assessment integrating the body, mind, and emotions.. 

The principle mission of the PNP Center is to provide a complete treatment plan with follow-up direction for treatment and training. For individuals living in the DFW area some of the behavioral medicine treatment needs may be provided through the PNP Center as additional services. For those individuals living at more distance every effort will be made to  locate services and coordinate care in their local area.
Learn More About Our PNP 2 Day Assessment
The primary reason the PsychoNeuroPlasticity PNP Center exists is to provide answers for parents and patients who have concerns which require good, objective, and trustworthy diagnoses presented in an understandable manner with real hope of change. Our philosophy is based on the premise that once one understands limitations or challenges and once strengths have been identified, the brain and body have the capabilities to learn and compensate to be stronger, better functioning. With 20 years of experience, we have good reason to be optimistic because we have seen good things happen in even the most distressed of circumstances. We want to find answers to problem behaviors, but most of all, we want to help people discover and utilize the tremendous talent and abilities they have for an abundant life.
Brain Anatomy — Lewisville, TX — The Lawlis Peavey PNP Center
Our one-of-a-kind assessments seek to identify:
  • The STRENGTHS of the individual client and his/her support system.
  • The CHALLENGES to better functioning and personal performance goals.
  • SOLUTIONS -The skills and treatments needed by the individual and his/her family to manage or overcome challenges.
  • Overview

    At the PNP Center, a two day assessment is typically scheduled on a Monday-Tuesday or Wednesday-Thursday and conducted by our team of psychologists, biofeedback specialists, family counselors, medical staff, and other health-care professionals.

    Following the 2-day in-person assessment, the at-home portion includes completing any recommended laboratory tests and implementing  PNP tools and lifestyle adjustments recommended during Wrap-Up. A PNP professional staff member (Point Person) is assigned to provide status updates, answer questions via phone or email, and help locating treatment resources.

    When all test results are received, our team of specialists will review and  develop a cohesive assessment report that includes an in-depth analysis and an individually designed treatment plan. 

    The treatment plan is presented in a comprehensve report mailed to the individual or family.

    Upon patient's receipt and review, a teleconference is scheduled to discuss the report, answer questions, and plan future direction.

  • Typical Steps in the Assessment Procedure

    Brain Map (QEEG) of the brain’s electrical activity can help sort out brainwave patterns of strength and of challenge and relate these findings to how you think, process information, and behave.

    Medical—review and screening of physical functioning as it affects brain health and cognitive functioning, including testing for any suspected toxins, metabolic or hormonal problems, dietary balance, food sensitivities, sleep concerns, exercise habits, and/or craniosacral balance.

    Psychophysiological Assessment (PPA)—biofeedback measures of the body’s stress and relaxation response patterns.

    Psychological and Neurocognitive tests for intellectual, educational and personality functioning, limitations, strengths and compensation patterns.

    Interviews with the individual and his or her family.

    Behavioral Vision screening to determine how the eyes are tracking, teaming, and accommodating.

    Variable Attention assessment used with issues of attending and focusing.

    Other assessments as deemed important by the PNP professional staff.

  • Final Report and The Game Plan

    The Final Report is a complilation of assessment findings and integration of assessment results into a personalized Game Plan. 

    The Game Plan  provides step-by-step direction in each of the assessment  areas of QEEG, Biofeedback PPA, Brain Health,  Psychological and Cognitive. 

    The PNP Center will collaborate with patients to find appropriate treatment resources, as is possible.

  • Coordination of Care Teleconference

    Following receipt of the Final Report and Game Plan a Teleconference can be scheduled to review the report and its findings and recommendations. The Teleconference provides an opportunity to review the report, to ask PNP professionals questions regarding the report ,as well consult on future directions for care. Typicallly this is a 50 minute telephone session.

  • Continuity of Care

    The PNP staff wants to ensure success and provide a sense of confidence in accomplishing the various recommendations provided, first in the "Home Work/Self Work" and then with  the "Final Report & Game Plan". As special service of the PNP, Continuity of Care, provides a Point Person, a professional PNP staff member, who answers questions, provides guidance and direction, typically throuugh email or telephone. Additional help with finding treatment resources for effective care is also provided. 

    Treatment and training recommended by the PNP Center may take several months to over a year to complete. With confidence Continuity of Care provides you with PNP staff support through this process. This Continuity of Care service can be very reassuring and helpful. 

  • Treatment

    For those individuals and families in the Dallas /Ft Worth area recommended treatment services may be available at the PNP Center at additional cost. Whether living locally to the PNP Center or afar, the PNP Center will upon request, seek to find  appropriate treatment resources close to  home.

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