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PNP is now offering Tele Mental Health and Tele Coaching services to you from the comfort and safety of your own home. Are you looking for support and direction during this uncertain time? PNP helps you enhance your strengths to improve your quality of life.
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Are you looking for parental coaching, personal support, direction, or stress management tools during these uncertain times? Telehealth offers a safe and secure way for you to develop strategies and skills needed. It's important to not only survive, but to thrive! PNP offers Telehealth services with an experienced licensed professional staff.
The PNP Center recognizes that parents need support as they aid their children with virtual learning issues and/or behaviors and emotions as a result of isolation. Our professionals have successfully worked with parents of children and adolescents with academic, behavioral, emotional, and mental health challenges. The PNP clinical team are experts at offering parents support and teaching stress management skills via individual video conferencing sessions.
Personal coaching sessions are offered via secure video and audio calls. Our PNP professional staff members are available to enhance your strengths and improve your quality of life from the comfort and safety of your own home.
For those living within the State of Texas counseling services are available. For individuals living outside of Texas personal coaching provides training and tools often necessary to manage stress and guidance to set goals and make significant life changes.
Telehealth has gone from being a convenience to being a necessity.
Let PNP provide the hope and help you are seeking!
YOU ARE NOT ALONE in this journey of Parenting in a Pandemic! Parenting is normally the hardest job that you will grow to love, but in today's world, in order to keep our children safe, parenting has expanded to also include being a teacher's aide and sometimes the tech "expert"! Truth is, there is no parent handbook and there is no one way to be successful at parenting.
Stress is at an all-time high for parents, especially during this COVID period. Feeling alone and isolated as a parent and teacher of your child can be overwhelming. If you are working from home or have more than one child in online school the demands multiply. Feeling depleted, emotionally exhausted, on-edge, and trouble sleeping at night can all be symptoms of overstress.
And too, your child likely is experiencing more stress and anxiety and you really don't know how to help them. Depression, anxiety, and even suicidal ideation have increased in children. Parents may know how to love their child but feel unable to help them cope effectively with these difficult times. Parental coaching can help!
Parental coaching can offer tips, skills, and tools to help you and/or you help your child (children). You may feel you have no time for Parental Coaching, but the PNP professional team will attempt to accommodate your very busy schedule. We are offering an abbreviated coaching session of 30 minutes or a full session of 55 minutes.
Partial session (30 min): $65.00
Full session (55 min): $100.00
You are strong and capable, sometimes though you’re feeling overwhelmed, anxious or depressed. Mounting stress is an increasing part of everyday life. Feeling worried, isolated, or overwhelmed? We can help!
Teletherapy gives the sense of relief that you are not alone during these trying times and there is a way to manage. The PNP professionals are here to help you connect with your self again.
None of us are perfect, we are all a work in progress. Connecting to a PNP Professional will help you feel heard and validated. Working through teletherapy can bring you a renewed sense of purpose and direction to living your best life. Developing tools and skills for stress management will help enhance your self-care so that you can be more for you and more for others in your world!
Cost for Services: $100 for 55 minutes
Sometimes we know exactly where it is we want to go with our lives, but might not have the path to reach that goal. Sometimes we know we are not happy, but don’t know why or how to make that change. PNP Coaching will benefit you by helping to set goals you really want to achieve; by distinguishing between what you could do, would do, should do, and really want to do.
PNP Coaches have many tools and techniques to quickly draw out the way forward for you. Through coaching you will discover more options than you thought were possible. PNP coaches will use insightful and challenging questions to help you decide which path is the right one. Your PNP coach will help you with strategies and techniques to change your thoughts into more positive ones that will enable you to move forward.
When an ideal goal is created - something you really want – you are more likely to take action to achieve it. A PNP Coach works with you to create a step by step plan – a dynamic, workable process enabling you to achieve your dreams.
Coaching is a partnership (defined as an alliance, not a legal business partnership) between a coach and client in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires the client to maximize personal and professional potential. It is designed to facilitate the development of personal, professional, or business goals, and to develop and carry out a plan for achieving those goals. The Coaching Program will be conducted through telephone or video meetings.
Cost for Services: $65 for 30 minutes
$100 for 55 minutes
Neurotherapy is a form of neurological (EEG) biofeedback in which a person begins to teach his or her brain maximum functioning through changing the brain’s signaling system. For example, many times the person’s brain is not in the right gear for the best brain performance and, therefore, cannot process information in an efficient manner, leading to learning and communication challenges. If a person can observe this brain activity via a brainwave biofeedback instrument he or she can learn various techniques for shifting to more effective brain functioning. This process typically involves breathing with different patterns and/or performing different tasks, like reading. As the person achieves better control of the brain, the actual brain functioning changes so the person can learn better; and decrease anxiety and other obstacles to fulfillment of life.
Using the Bioacoustical Utilization Device (BAUD), the process can be learned quicker and be applied in specific areas of life. The BAUD can create an entrainment frequency which the brain functioning can achieve, thus driving it toward more effective levels of functioning. Through a combination of using the feedback through EEG readings and adjusting the BAUD, achievement of effective functioning can occur more rapidly. Moreover, the patient can take the BAUD home, to school or to a business setting to safely practice and apply the learning.
Read about positive outcomes for PTSD treatment through the use of the BAUD: Veterans use of the BAUD for PTSD